Getting ready for winter as a horse owner is always time consuming. Thinking of all those cold days, nasty stalls from horses being in all the time, frozen water lines... BRRRR. I'm cold and tired just thinking about it! So what are YOU doing to prepare for the cold rainy weather in southern VA?
Things I'm doing for winter
1. Dragged my horse blankie to the cleaners. Of course I THEN notice the large rip it had acquired across the rear. Also missing a back strap; not sure where that ended up.
2. Break out the heated water bucket. For some reason my gelding will almost EXCLUSIVELY drink from it during the winter months. I could even put warm water in his other bucket and he still chooses the heated one.
3. Although a little late now, our barn stocked up on hay for the winter. If your place has the room its always cheaper to stock up on good hay during the 'hay season.' Otherwise, expect to pay that premo price for nasty crap that has no name. You know what I'm talking about, that 'Mixed Grass' no one can identify.
4. Clean out the horse trailer! Show and riding season is mostly over. Give your trailer a good cleaning, and a tune up. Grease things, check screws, ask your hubby to make changes that you've been jonesing for.
5. Walk the fence lines. In reality this should be done weekly; but are you positive your barn owner does it that often?! If my horse is in a pasture I try and walk it myself at least twice a month. And I ALWAYS find things I'm sure my horse can find some way to injure himself on, they are like small children in that aspect. Side note: I know my barn owner walks the fences and pastures as much as I do, which promotes feelings of well being for my horses health when I'm not at the barn.
6. Think about water supply while your horse is pastured. Breaking the ice on a trough is fun, but fishing the layers of broken ice out IS NOT. Using a clean pitch fork can help in this instance.
7. I have busted out my warm clothes, water proof boots, gloves, and hats. I'm more interested in keeping warm then looking like a marshmallow.
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